SCUC Membership Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Southside Community United for Change Inc.!
With your support, the SCUC and its volunteer based board will continue to ensure that the Southside of Peoria, in particular, the residents of 61605 zip code are included and represented with high quality and integrity in the City of Peoria.

The SCUC volunteers have spent hundreds of hours on our community’s behalf working toward building capacity, for the purpose of promoting the initial goals identified in the December 2013 strategic planning session. Your membership, willingness to be a part of the solution and your support will allow for the successful continuation of these efforts.

Please complete the form below to become a member of SCUC. The yearly membership is $15 per household for individuals and $25 for businesses and /or organizations. Membership are renewable annually on January 1st of each year. If you pay by check, please make checks payable to Southside Community United for Change Inc. or SCUC.

Complete the Membership Form below and click SUBMIT MEMBERSHIP FORM or print the form and mail it to P O Box 5053, Peoria, IL 61602

Representatives of City of Peoria-registered neighborhood/homeowner associations and neighborhood watch groups, social service agencies, businesses and residents that are located in the 61605 zip code shall have the right to be voting members.   ANY person, business or social service agency may apply for honorary membership in SCUC upon membership registration and full payment of annual dues.  Honorary membership entitles the person to a mailed copy of SCUC newsletters and notice of organizational events for one year from the date of membership.  Honorary membership does not include voting rights.

SCUC Meets
Every 3rd Saturday of the month (unless noted)
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Lincoln Branch Library
1312 W. Lincoln Avenue

P O Box 5953
Peoria, IL 61602
